Hi! I’m Christa
I’ve been a doula and childbirth educator since 2010. I have a Bachelor of Health Science (Health Promotion) and a Master of Philosophy (Health Science). I am currently completing a Master of Counselling at the University of Canberra.
When I gave birth for the first time, I had a traumatic experience... and THEN I learned about hypnobirthing! When I became pregnant only 4 months later with my second child, what I learned with hypnobirthing changed my life. I have had three amazing "hypnobirths" and have spent the past 14 years helping mums feel confident and excited to give birth!

Ready to get started?
Join one of my courses to get guidance for every step of your birthing journey!

Hypnobirthing Australia™ Group Course
Held at Gregory Hills, NSW. Complete the course over two full Saturdays or four evening sessions.

Bold Beautiful Birth™ Online/Support Program
Choose from the fully online program or the '8 Weeks to a Bold Beautiful Birth' Support Program.
$399 / $1200

Birth Doula Service
Support Package
Personalised guidance and support every step of the way. Includes hypnobirthing, BBB program and birth attendance.
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