Myth busting 101
Mar 10, 2024
*This blog post was originally published 27 September 2011*
In my classes, I really try to emphasize that birth can be whatever you want it to be. Although I believe this so strongly, even I was surprised and in awe of the capabilities of the female mind and body after attending an amazing birth. Here are the basics:
- First time mum
- mum wanted natural birth but was very unsure whether it would be achievable for her
- Pre-labour niggles for 24+ hours (completely manageable) gave mum lots of notice that birthing time was imminent
- total labour time 5 hours
- 2 hours at home, 3 hours at the hospital
- no drugs (not even gas)
- 5 kg baby (11 lbs) - and I'm rounding down here!
Do you see all of the myths that are de-bunked by this birth?
- First-time mums have long labours FALSE
- Big babies cannot be birthed vaginally FALSE (thank goodness no one knew how big bubba was going to be or mum's confidence may have been compromised and there would have been serious pressure from hospital to have c-section!)
- Only super-confident, "earth mammas" can give birth without drugs FALSE
What an amazing mamma!! Have you noticed how much we (women) underestimate ourselves and doubt our abilities? Of course, I knew beforehand (from reading birth stories etc) that this is perfectly possible, but to see it first-hand was an incredible and life-affirming experience for me.
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